Monday, February 15, 2010

Time to Start Planning the Garden: Gardening for Pleasure

Whether you enjoy the tranquil serenity of pondering pleasant thoughts by your self or bonding with your family while watching the kids play in the dirt, gardening can be a fulfilling past time. In addition there are many other benefits and rewards from gardening. For example, some find the physical labor a great stress reliever, some will get great satisfaction and fulfillment from growing a plant, while others are just happy eating the luscious return on their invested time.

Gardening requires a certain commitment of your time. First, decide what type of garden, size, money, and any other thoughts that you may think of. Next, set aside the time needed to adequately prepare your garden site. After that it is time to plant. Then you will need to set aside some time every week for the maintenance of your garden. Then at harvest time, a minimal amount of your time will be rewarded with the fruits of your labor, which translates into food for the table.

One more thought to consider is the cost of gardening. Costs will very greatly dependant upon how much of what is planted. Also, if this is your first year to can then the purchase of the jars, canner, and accessories will add to the costs of this first year garden. With a little planning and the first year costs calculated over a few years rather than one year, you will find it is very economical to raise and preserve your own vegetables.

While gardening requires fair amounts of physical labor, look at it as an enjoyable time. When we first start, the time of the year is late winter to early spring. The trees are starting to bloom and the leaves are turning dark green. The birds have returned and new families of squirrels are now playing in the backyard.

This is the time of the year, right after winter, that I enjoy the most. Springtime omits warm rays of sunshine that not only warms my body but my inner thoughts as well. The pick-up-in-spirit is a healing process so to speak after the harsh winter months. My mood is better and life is good!

Thanks for stopping by,