Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Backyard Vegetable Garden Experience: Online Vegetable Gardening 101

This blog was created to share the backyard vegetable garden experience with others. At the time this blog was published, February 2010, the goal will be to create a new garden in the spring of 2010. I will discuss various topics that will include garden layout, when to plant, seeds, fertilizers, and insect control. I will also discuss different types of vegetables to put into the garden such as potatoes, onions, tomatoes, peppers, squash, cumbers, and beans. Later in the summer I will discuss canning and pickling.

Gardening has been my passion and past time for over 25 years. It is a way of life passed down from my grandfather, to my father, and then to me. I would like to pass this same knowledge on to others to experience; simply because I enjoy my passion that much.

Planting a seed, nurturing it to adulthood, then harvesting it at maturity is an experience that is truly fulfilling as well as tasty! Take for example the planting of an onion. I cannot even begin to imagine how many years I have planted onions in March and the excitement I experience waiting for the sunny day I could pull my first green onion to go into a salad. Or how about the 20 tomato plants I normally plant in May and the fulfillment I experience on the summer day I pull my first Better Boy tomato.

Happiness does not only appear during the summer months though. I truly enjoyed the canned jalapeƱo and banana peppers we ate this winter. My better half also received a lot of compliments from the many quarts of crisp dill pickles that our friends and neighbors ate.

The family and I are not the only ones who enjoyed my garden either. I planted a few sunflowers this year. It added a brilliant color of yellow to my green garden. It was soothing to the eye and created many conversations with quest. In addition, the birds enjoyed eating the sunflowers after they bloomed late in the fall.

I am looking forward to writing about my garden experience this year. The thought of someone else enjoying my passion is a real pleasure. So stay tuned for the many post coming very soon!

Thanks for stopping by,
